UNIT 1. Revision – Use of Tenses
Translation of leave
UNIT 2. Revision ___ Infinitive Government
Translation of almost, about
UNIT 3. Revision – Verb Construction after Prepositions
Translation of than, half
UNIT 4. Tenses after Conjunctions of Time and si
Translation of take
Use of cela
UNIT 5. Revision – Pronoun Objects
Use of pendant, depuis and pour to translate
for in Time Phrases
UNIT 6. Revision·- Perfect Tense
Subjunctive Mood:
After Conjunctions
After Verbs of Fearing
After Verbs of Wishing
UNIT 7. Revision – Agreement of the Past Participle
Subjunctive Mood:
After Verbs of Thinking used Negatively or
After Expressions of Emotion
After the Superlative Adjective
UNIT 8. Revision – Translation of the Present Participle
The verb devoir
UNIT 9. Revision – Negative Expressions
The verbs falloir and devoir
UNIT 10. Revision – avoir and faire expressions
Translation of how
UNIT 11. Revision-Disjunctive Pronouns
Translation of in
UNIT 12. Revision – c’est, il est, elle est
Translation of each, both, some
UNIT 13. Revision – Translation of what, which
The verbs connaitre, savoir, pouvoir
UNIT 14. Revision – dont, duquel, etc.
Translation of anyone, anything, any
UNIT 15. Revision – Adjectives: position, agreement, degree
Verbs used Reflexively and Non-reflexively
UNIT 16. Revision – venir de
Variation in Adjective Meaning
Avoir beau+ infinitive
UNIT 17. Revision – the Past Anterior Tense
Subjunctive Mood after Impersonal Expression
Translation of had better
Avoidance of the Subjunctive Mood
UNIT 18. Causative faire
Neither … nor
Omission of ne
UNIT 19 Revision – Inversions
Plaire ‘à, servir ‘à, etc.
Infinitive Constructions after croire and
UNIT 20. Revision – Translation of the English Passive voice
Redundant ne after comparisons
Translation of most
Additional Passages for Translation (L.C. papers) Additional Proses (L.C. papers)
Passages for Dictation – Pass
Passages for Dictation – Honours
Summary of Verb Tenses
List of être Verbs
Appendix A. Verbs followed by infinitive:
- without preposition
- with a
- with de
- demander type verbs
Appendix B. Verb Construction after Prepositions
Appendix C. Special Verbs like lever, appeler, esperer,
payer, nettoyer, essuyer, manger, commencer
Appendix D. Irregular Verbs
Appendix E. Subjunctive Mood Formation
Appendix F. Interrogatives
Appendix G. Relative Pronouns
Appendix H. Translation of in
Appendix I. Translation of the Present Participle
Past Anterior Tense
Passive Voice
Agreement of the Past Participle
Order of Pronoun Objects
Disjunctive Pronouns
Translation of it is
Avoir and faire expressions
Venir de
Appendix J. Numbers 1-2000
French-English Vocabulary (for Passages for Translation)
English-French Vocabulary
Vocabulary Reference
Irregular Verb Reference